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Tour of Takoma Village Cohousing

Join the What's Next Housing Interest Group for a tour of Takoma Village Cohousing.  One of the many models the group has discussed, we look forward to learning what parts of this village might work for some of us in Baltimore. 

Here's how they describe themselves on their website

Takoma Village is a multi-generational cohousing community made up of 43 privately owned townhouses and flats. By choice, we work together to maintain the buildings and grounds, share meals, socialize, and exchange mutual support.
Our community began forming in late 1998. The complex was designed and built over the next two years in collaboration with an architect and developer. The first members moved into their homes in November 2000. More than 15 years later, more than half of the households are still occupied by the original owners.

More about Takoma Village

Let Mollie know if you are interested, this is a public tour and we need to RSVP to hold our spots.