Before you join, please fill out the registration form so we have your address and a way to contact you.

We hope that you will decide to take your membership one step further by making an annual dues/donation to What's Next.  Your dues payment will help with our administrative costs (our website, incorporation fees, printing costs) and help us to keep all of our events free.  There's a button below, "Buy Now" that will help you to do that.  We recommend $10 per person per year.  Thanks for joining!

Three ways to donate:

  1. Write a check to Whats Next, Inc.  and mail it to (or drop it in Beth Braun’s door at 12 N. Collington Ave. 21231

  2. Click on the Buy Now button (single or two memberships) and use PayPal to send the money straight to our bank account.  You can do this with your credit card, debit card or PayPal account (you don't have to set up a PayPal account to do it). If you want to make a donation beyond your membership dues, use the “buy now” donation button and Thank you!

Number of Members

3. Bring your check (or cash) to our next event.

I'd like to make a donation

Any problems or questions about paying your dues, please write us at