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What’s Next MAY BIKE RIDE led by Kurt Schiller and Viv Thompson
Who: Riders of all levels. We’ll take it slow
When: May 25th 11:00
Where: NCR trail. The Northern Central Railroad Trail (NCR Trail) also known as The Torrey C. Brown Trail
**Meet at the NCR Mile 0.5 parking lot on Paper Mill Rd.
Directions Take York Road (Route 45) to Cockeysville (Exit 18 off I-83). Turn right (east) on Ashland Road. Bear left onto Paper Mill Road. Go less then 1/2 mile. Look for the PARKING LOT just after the Trail Crossing and across from Hunt Valley Village
What to bring:
HELMET, Sunscreen, water and a light lunch.
Let us know if you need help transporting your bike to the trail.